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Kansas City Usa

NIIT University enters into a MoU with University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA

First of its kind landmark agreement between two educational institutions to collaborate for BTech and MS degree programmes in the area of computer science and computer engineering

University of Missouri
NIIT University (NU) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Missouri- Kansas City’s School of Computing and Engineering (SCE), to offer a 5-year programme that will allow students to secure BTech degree from NU and Master’s of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) from SCE. The MoU was signed by Dr Rajendra Pandey, President, NIIT University and Mr Kevin Z. Truman, Vice Provost, UMKC, & Dean, School of Computing & Engineering, University of Missouri – Kansas City.

Under this MoU, NIIT University in collaboration with the University of Missouri-Kansas City’s School of Computing and Engineering will offer a unique 5-year programme that will give students the opportunity to complete both BTech and MSCS, with successful candidates being awarded Bachelor’s of Technology (BTech) by NIIT University (NU) and Master’s of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) by UMKC. This is the first of its kind landmark agreement between two educational institutions to collaborate in BTech and MS degree programmes and research activities through the exchange of degree.

Speaking on this significant collaboration :- Dr Rajendra Pandey, President, NIIT University, said, “NIIT University offers a new model in higher education based on the principals of innovation and learning, to help open exciting career avenues in today’s knowledge economy. To this end, the MoU with UMKC’s School of Computing and Engineering will offer unique dual technical certification opportunity to students from two reputed institutions.”

In recognition of the quality of NU’s BTech programme, UMKC has also offered very generous and assured scholarships to all NU students admitted to UMKC programme. The fee will be approximately 40% lesser than the fee charged to any international student. There is also a very strong support for teaching assistantship.

Mr Kevin Z. Truman, Vice Provost, UMKC said, “With a vision to prepare students in India for today’s competitive job market we have joined hands with NIIT University to offer the latest technology and business trends, as well as a comprehensive education in computer science through this cutting-edge programme.”

Mr Vijay Kumar, Professor, Computer Science Engineering, UMKC said, “NIIT University, Neemrana and University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA have entered into a first of its kind landmark agreement to collaborate in BTech and MS degree programmes and research activities through the exchange of degree seeking students and faculty members in the area of computer science and computer engineering. It is a monumental academic collaboration for mutual benefit of these institutions. I am delighted to be a part of this collaboration which provides deserving students and dedicated faculty members opportunities and resources for fulfilling their academic dreams. The partnership will produce students with highest academic calibre and faculty with highly innovative research achievements that India needs. We must all wish success to this collaboration.”

The NU – UMKC programme advantage

  • The student will get a BTech degree from NIIT University and an MS in Computer Science Engineering degree from UMKC
  • Open to 4th year ECE & CSE BTech students, under this programme, the student will complete 3.5 years ( 7semesters) at NIIT University and 1.5 years( 3 semesters) at UMKC
  • Students do not have to take the GRE for this MS programme at UMKC ; only academic requirements as specified below under point 2
  • Students can avail an opportunity of teaching assistantship at UMKC and basis academic performance scholarships upto $1000

Detailed programme highlights

The ‘Resonance’ programme indeed insinuate the spirit within each fresher that was so very necessary for them to gel into their new home, the NU…

  • The successful candidate will complete 3.5 years (7 semesters) at NIIT and;
  • 1.5 years (3 semesters) at UMKC in the School of Computing and Engineering (SCE)
  • Each candidate will be conditionally admitted to UMKC’s SCE graduate programme based on these requirements;
  • IELTS score of 6.5/9.0 or higher; or an IBT score of 79/120
  • Course grade of 70% or higher in each completed course at NIIT. (3.0/4.0 GPA – USA scale)
  • Each successful candidate will need to complete the necessary requirements for the NIIT BTech degree and the UMKC MSCS degree.
  • 3 UMKC credits = 4 NIIT credits (1 credit = 1 student credit hour (SCH) at UMKC)
  • Typically, after an NIIT student completes 3.5 yrs at NIIT, they will need an additional 20 NIIT credits (5 UMKC courses, a minimum of 3 of the 5 being graduate courses) taken at UMKC during their 8th semester and transferred back to NIIT to complete their B. Tech degree.
  • Typically, after completing their 8th semester at UMKC, these students will take an additional 7 graduate level courses (coupled with the 9 credits of graduate coursework taken in their 8th semester) to complete the UMKC MSCS degree.
  • During the 8th semester at UMKC the students will pay the published academic year undergraduate international tuition and fees less SCE’s DISA (Dean’s International Scholarship, currently $4,250/semester (amount is reviewed annually and subject to change) when taking 4 or more classes).
  • During the 9th and 10th semester at UMKC, the students will pay the published academic year graduate international tuition and fees less the SCE’s DISA (currently $4000/semester (amount is reviewed annually and subject to change) when taking 3 or more classes).
  • For those NIIT students in the 3.5+1.5 program that successfully complete semester 8 and are admitted into the MSCS program, they will receive an additional $1000 scholarship ($500 each semester) which will be included in semesters 9 and 10.
  • A typical but not necessarily required curriculum for the first three years at NIIT would be:
First year – Two semesters– Mathematics I (Algebra & Differential Equations), Electrical Science, Computer Programming, Engineering Graphics/Workshop Practice, Communication Skills/, Mathematics II (Calculus), Analog Electronics, Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures, Engineering Graphics, Workshop Practice, Communication Skills

Second year – Two semesters

Mathematics III (Probability & Numerical Analysis), Digital Logic & Circuits, Signals & Systems, Object Oriented Programming in Java, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Database Management Systems, Computer Architecture and Organization

Third year – Two semesters- Operating System, Software Engineering, Theory of Computation, Open elective, Environmental Science, HSSM IV, Web Systems Engineering, Communication Networks, Professional elective I, Professional elective II, , HSSM V, R & D Project

The last year, one semester at NIIT and the last semester at UMKC, will have a curriculum that consists of at least 9 credits of UMKC graduate classes such that they fulfill these NIIT defined courses:

Fourth year – Two semesters

Professional Elective – III, Professional Elective – IV, Open Elective – II, Open Elective – III, Industry Practice/ Project.

  • Full admission into the SCE MSCS program will be dependent upon the student’s performance in semester 8 at UMKC.
  • A GPA of 3.0/4.0 in all courses at UMKC is required.
  • No academic or disciplinary sanctions while at UMKC.
  • No GRE will be required of students that have met all of the undergraduate and graduate admissions requirement throughout the programme.

About UMKC

The University of Missouri–Kansas City (UMKC) is a Public Research University located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. It is a part of the University of Missouri System. UMKC was one of three colleges in the U.S to be presented the President’s Award for Community Service in Higher Education. UMKC is committed to research that changes the world, from the discoveries of the School of Biological Sciences to the educational innovations being developed at the Institute for Urban Education.

The School of Computing and Engineering (SCE) offers undergraduate degree programmes in Computer Science, Information Technology and Civil, Electrical Computer and Mechanical Engineering. Their programmes prepare students for today’s competitive job market by providing a curriculum that includes the latest technology and business trends, as well as a comprehensive education in each field’s theory and fundamental practice. In addition, SCE offers Master’s degree programmes in Computer Science and Civil, Computer Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and participates in UMKC’s interdisciplinary PhD program.
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