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How to Prepare for 99 Percentile in JEE Main Session 2, 2024?

For many students, the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main is not just an exam; it’s a gateway to realizing their engineering dreams. With Session 1 of JEE Main 2024 behind us, it’s crucial to reflect, regroup, and re-strategize for Session 2. 

Whether your first attempt didn’t go as planned, you missed the exam, or your scores were below expectations, it’s important to remember that the journey isn’t over. The JEE Main Session 2 in 2024 offers a golden opportunity to bounce back stronger, and here’s how you can do exactly that.

Understanding the Competition Through Numbers

In the recent iteration of the exam, a staggering total of 12,25,529 students registered for both Paper 1 (BE and B.Tech) and Paper 2 (B.Arch and B.Planning), with 11,70,036 candidates appearing for Paper 1. This immense turnout not only highlights the exam’s significance but also the intense competition one faces.

Among these hopefuls, 23 students achieved the perfect NTA score of 100 percentile in Session 1, 2024, setting a benchmark for excellence. These figures underscore the high level of performance and preparation required to stand out in such a competitive arena.

Leveraging Your Second Chance: Incorporating Expert Tips into Your Strategy

For those gearing up for Session 2, this is your opportunity to either improve upon your previous attempt or make a strong debut. Reflecting on the previous session’s outcomes, it’s clear that with dedication and strategic preparation, achieving a top percentile is within reach. Let us also clarify that JEE Main Session 1 and Session 2 are designed by NTA with the same difficulty levels, format, and structure. There is no difference in both exams in regard to difficulty levels. By appearing in Session 1, candidates can gain first-hand experience of the exam and can improve on it in their JEE Main Session 2. Now that you know the concept of Session1 and 2, let’s craft a winning strategy for your second attempt:

  • Analyze Session 1 Performance: First, take a moment to analyze your Session 1 performance. Identify the sections or topics where you lost marks and understand whether it was due to a lack of understanding, careless mistakes, or time management issues. This insight will be your guiding light in preparing for Session 2.
  • Setting Up a Study Plan: A structured study plan is your best ally moving forward. Allocate your study hours wisely, focusing more on your weak areas while not neglecting your strengths. The key is to maintain a balanced approach. Incorporate a mix of conceptual learning, problem-solving, and revision in your daily schedule. Remember, quality trumps quantity every time.
  • Strengthening Weak Sections: Now that you’ve identified your weaker sections, it’s time to tackle them head-on. Start with the basics, as a strong foundation will make advanced topics easier to grasp.

You can use resources like NCERT textbooks, reference books, and online tutorials from some expert mentors to deepen your understanding.

Additionally, joining a study group or enrolling in a coaching class can provide personalized guidance and keep you motivated. Also, practice is non-negotiable; solve as many questions as you can, starting from basic to advanced levels. Do Practice:

  • JEE Main Previous Exam Papers, Including Session 1 2024 Exam Paper
  • Multiple Mock Tests
  • Also, Solve JEE Advance level problems
  • Samples Papers

Simulated exams are a crucial part of your preparation. Regularly take timed mock tests to adapt to the pressure of the actual exam. Analyzing your performance in these tests will highlight your progress and areas needing improvement. Additionally, solving previous year’s papers will familiarize you with the exam pattern and question types, improving your speed and accuracy.

  • Time Management and Stress Reduction: If you have already participated in JEE Main Session 1, 2024, you possess valuable insight into how your time was allocated across different subjects and topics. This understanding is the first and the most important step in your preparation journey. The next step involves focusing on those areas that consumed a disproportionate amount of your time. By revisiting these subjects or topics and practicing them rigorously, you aim to enhance your efficiency, enabling you to manage your time more effectively in the upcoming attempt.
    Efficient time management during your preparation and in the exam can significantly impact your performance. Learn to allocate your time wisely across subjects and within the exam, ensuring you can attempt all sections with confidence.
  • Focused Revision: Be wise and Revise – Revision is crucial to crack exams like JEE Main. Improvement comes with revision. With the vast syllabus of JEE Main, targeted revision becomes key. Prioritize topics based on their weightage in the exam and your personal areas of weakness. Revisiting and reinforcing these areas can significantly boost your confidence and performance.
  • Embrace Advanced Resources: Given the calibre of competition, simply knowing the basics might not suffice. Engaging with advanced-level problems, especially in subjects like Physics and Mathematics, where conceptual depth and application prowess are tested, can give you an edge.

Beyond JEE Main Session 2

Securing a high percentile in JEE Main Session 1 or 2 does more than just qualify you for JEE Advanced; it opens doors to premier engineering institutes across the country. From Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs) to National Institutes of Technology (NITs), GFTIs and top engineering colleges in India, your JEE Main score is a critical factor in deciding your admission in B. Tech.

Furthermore, with the introduction of the Common Rank List (CRL), your percentile score is now more crucial than ever in determining your rank. A higher percentile not only enhances your chances of getting into a preferred institute but also offers you a wider choice of engineering disciplines. These institutions are not just about academic excellence but also about holistic development, preparing you for a bright future in engineering.

Conclusion: Your Blueprint for Success

First, let us remind you the JEE Main examination is not the end of the world; with the normal percentile in the main exam, you still get a seat in the top engineering colleges in India, offering the best education, infra and much more than basic academic excellence. To get Admissions to 31 NITs, 25 IIITs, 28 GFTIs, and other universities through JEE Main 2024 is not impossible but needs dedication, strategic preparation, hard work, smart work and some luck as well.

The journey to acing JEE Main Session 2, 2024, is paved with a deep understanding of what it takes to be among the top performers. By leveraging the insights from previous sessions, focusing on your preparation, and keeping your goals in sight, you can turn this opportunity into a stepping stone for your future.

But as you might have done everything expected of you for the JEE Main exam and still not gotten the desired seat because of the high competition, then that is not the end of the journey, my friend!! At NU, we extend a welcoming hand to those who narrowly missed their chance by a few percentiles and are in pursuit of academic excellence that matches their aspirations, complemented by comprehensive development and enriching experiences. The future is bright, and your engineering dreams are well within reach at NU. Give your best, and then leave it to us!!


– Our blog provides a detailed guide on refining study strategies, focusing on weak areas, and practicing with mock tests and previous year’s papers to boost your score in the second attempt.
– We recommend analyzing your performance to identify weak points, adjusting your study plan for intensive revision, and focusing on conceptual clarity and practice to improve in the second session.
– According to information from the National Testing Agency (NTA), the difficulty level of both sessions is designed to be consistent, as highlighted in our blog.

– Yes, students who either missed Session 1 or wish to improve their scores, emphasizing the importance of a tailored study plan, mastering weak topics, and regular mock testing.

– You can do it by focusing on common topics, utilizing board study time for JEE revision, and practicing with sample papers.

– We detail a comprehensive approach to achieving a 99 percentile score, including completing the syllabus, enhancing time management, and engaging in extensive practice through mock tests and problem-solving.

– Our recommendations include creating a revision timetable, prioritizing weak subjects, and solving mock tests and previous year papers for efficient revision.

– With 80-90 percentile in the JEE Main exam, you can grab a seat in some of the NITs, GFTIs and some top engineering colleges in India. You can even skip the eligibility test and get a B. Tech seat at NU with a good percentile in JEE Mains.
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